In 1961 a small group got together to discuss the idea of forming a local Model A Chapter. The club was founded and the chapter members were: Merle Love, Alex Leventeini, Gene Jamison, Art Long, Dr. Ernest Soderstorm, Hank Welch, Gene Boone , Stan Braden and Joe Curry.
Gene Jamison served as our First President, 1961-62 and got our club off to a very good start. We needed a name for our chapter. Someone suggested “Yosemite Area A’s”. This became our first name.
In a few short years we grew and became very active in local and national affairs. Our club name became important to identify with our area, therefore the name was changed to “Modesto Area A’s”. The Modesto arch with a Model A underneath became our club emblem.
Our club has always been very active. The first Northern California Model A Roundup was hosted by our club. We were the first to adopt and attractive emblem and club vests. Our annual swap meet in January continues to grow. It is considered to be one of the largest and better meets in the west.
We have the first place winners in both car and fashions in local and national shows. We have had a national president and national board members. Our membership is made up from just about all vocations. The Model A brings everyone together with a common interest, so socially everything fits together as a family club.
The Modesto Area A’s is a club made up of hard working family members devoted to the Model A Ford. Our membership continues to grow with good new enthusiastic members and with the solid dedication of the older members. The Modesto Area A’s will always be a good strong organization.
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